Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hen and chicks, Bunny and Cat commissioned miniatures.

Dear visitors and friends,*grin*

I am so excited to share this post with you and the reason is because the animals that I am showing you today were commissioned by Ilona from Minimumloon. Ilona, is an extraordinary artist and a lovely friend of mine. I have sent several of my miniature children so Ilona can work her magic hands in dressing them up for me.  I think I can say that, she and I understand each other artistic ways and we enjoy farm life and old-fashion simplicity.
So I am making few farm animals for her... here they some of them....:) 

I made three baby chicks for its momma hen. The chicks are so tiny ... you can have an idea by the picture sided with a kettle corn.
Baby Seth is  wondering where is his momma..

Aha! She is outside at the hen house watching over the other baby chicks!
But you know a farm life....  ahhh...there is nothing like an afternoon rest by the porch!

Im getting ready for a nap....:)

But firstly,  let me see if I can find my friendly bunny ... 

ha! There he is!*grin*

Bunny's have a way to steal one's heart , don't you agree with me?*smiles*

I hope you will love them Ilona!!! Thank you so much for letting me making them for your mini collection!

Thank you all for your visit and comments!
So happy!!!*grin*


Giac said...

Hello Patricia,
I am always blown away by your artwork. I love them all, but the chic really wowed me. Fantastic work. Both of you are great artists.
Big hug,.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

You always inspire me! Good evening dear friend.. Ilona is such a sweetheart, yes? She is going to flip over your animals.
Sending a big hug your way.

Drora's minimundo said...

Dear Pat,
You and Ilona make a wonderful team!
I love your farm animals. They could not find a better home than
Hugs, Drora

The Old Maid said...

Oh my! They all are great!
It is such a fun to watch(and read ;)) Ilona working on your children and you making fantastic animals for her. :)

elizabeth s said...

Really Fantastic Craftsmanship! You baby chicks are adorable and the rabbit is posed so well. You can "feel" the weight of him as he rests on the straw. You have such a Great Talent, and now I know for certain, that Ilona will be the envy of us all....
But In a Good Way! :D


carmen said...

son unos bichillos perfectos!

miniacollection said...

How Ilona couldn't love your animals, they are so great. I saw on her blog how she started dressed some of your dolls and I amired her work.

Hannah said...

I have been looking at your dolls at Ilonas blog and they are soooo cute! So are the animals! You are very talented!

Robin said...

Just lovely!

Ilona said...

Oh Tita, I am so delighted by seeing these gorgeous animals, made by your very talented hands. They are real treasures, I really have no words.... I only can say a big thank you for creating these beautiful farm animals for me :D!! And I am so happy that I now can see them on your blog ;)!
I think it will be hard for me to wait till I can see them in real, Tita. I've just posted a blog about your granny :D LOL!!
Lovingly, Ilona

Pepper said...

Oh, that is the sweetest bunny I have ever seen. Beautiful work =0)