Thursday, March 1, 2012

New logo coming soon..Why?

Hello ~

I have been debating whether to do this post or not. When I first started my blogs, I wanted it to be a place where I could share this beautiful world that God created for us to enjoy in many different forms… big and small. I want to keep it this way, however; After I did the “sad, sad post” I was surprised to see that"the artist" that has been bulling me has also been doing this to several other artists and someone told me that she had struggled with a similar situation for over 5 years now. :(
I still don’t understand why people choose this type of path for their lives, but I also feel that if I be quiet, as I tend to want to do, I am allowing this to continue not only with me but with other artists as well.

Well, last week I was informed that my new logo with the lamb had been mocked by “her”. Again, why?:(
She also insinuated that I perhaps did not have the permission to use the lamb image.

As you can see , I have added the logo for my family site on the upper left - 7kidsfam. Yes, I do have written permission from its owner .
This artist” could have made the lamb and I would not have been bothered- He is adorable, no?
The lamb’s name is Fred and he is a lovely lamb and the reason I have him in my logo is because years ago, my lambs did not pose for me in such manner ,grin. Then I found little Fred lamb.*grin*

I had borrowed the image from 7kidsfarm and used it for Woolytales Miniatures but now I have decided to make a new logo.

Penelope - Queen of the pastures

The day I saw the “mocking” was the first day that I milked Hershey ( which is our family dairy cow, for those that missed my previous postings). I took my camera to take some pictures and I could not believe it when Penelope (the new calf)’posed’ for me ,grin. What a charmer! It was as if she was reading my thoughts and sad heart, grin.

This past week I have been super busy getting the last minute things for the show as it is this weekend, but I did manage to sit on my porch and sketch a picture using Penelope’s pose as guide.

I have finished it in watercolors and will be making a logo soon. But the sweet little lamb will still remain on my other site. We all have grown closer to him after all these years, grin.

I don‘t normally like to say what I’m working on, as you can figure out why, but I will answer some of the comments asking me if I will be making Hershey and Penelope. The answer is YES! They are patiently waiting for me on my working table among other projects . I am looking forward to sharing them and the new logo soon!*grin*
God bless you..


linda060060 said...

Pat You are not the only artist she has bothered, This artist from Oregon started harassing me on ebay two years, and hasnt quit since. If it were just me that she dislikes, that would have been one thing, but I know she has harrassed many new animal artists on ebay which makes me believe there is something seriously wrong with this woman. I told her a long time ago, there are many good artists out there and she has to accept that fact whether she likes it or not .


Christel said...

Jealousy is a sad thing..envy is one of the seven deadly sins. This being said, Pat, I truly hope you will go on with all of your lovely work, and not let this hateful, and hurtful woman win! Her actions are shameful, and you don't deserve to be treated this way. I know your heart, and know you will pray for her, that's the woman we know, and love. Pat, you cannot control anything she has done, or will do..sad, but true. What you can do is simply be yourself, the sweet, wonderfully creative person you are. As you know, I had a similar situation last year when I created my FaeWees, with a woman whos work FAR outshined mine..she was in a panic at the thought of someone else having a similar style to her. I have no remorse over her..I know my dolls are my creations, my imagination, and I DO take inspiration from many places, even other artists works, that is NOT the same as copying anothers work..I have since seen two artist who also sell on ebay who take inspiration from me..I can create a doll, and two or so weeks later see the same style, and type from both of them..does this upset me? no, because I think If I have done this good of a job that someone would want to try it too, I must be getting better! I look at it as a compliment! I take inspiration from you weekly my friend, as well as Rose, Penny, Anita..and a few others. We are all so creatively different, and all just want to share our God given talents. You shine in your art Pat..your animals are so realistic. I have looked at this other artists works..yes, she is good, but, I can see a Woolytales piece, and know it is your work before I ever go to the listing page..yours are that individual, and unique. No one can really copy anyone elses work in this medium..we all handle the clay differently, we all paint differently, and some of us are just better than others! This is her problem, you have surpassed her abilities, and she cannot stand it. Not your fault. You just be the very same, sweet Pat we all love and admire my friend, God will handle the rest! XOXOX Christel p.s. Can't wait to see Hershey, and Penelope! They will be perfect I know..are you planning to make them, and keep them for your collection?...I think you should.

Eliana said...

Penelope é uma verdadeira Top Model! ;)
Imagino o quanto é difícil ignorar o veneno de uma pessoa doente de inveja. Força sempre e 'bola pra frente!'

miniacollection said...

I love your Penelope, so sweet, I can't wait to see it and Hershey in miniature.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I cannot believe this. I cannot believe that people waste their precious TIME on this earth doing such things to sweet and talented people like you or any other well-established dear one, I must run, but I am so glad I came to see you last before I drive off. It is a reminder to me to make each moment count for the GOOD! BISE, Nita

Ascension said...

Me encanta tu nuevo logo Patricia, esa sonrisita del ternero es tan dulce.
Tus trabajos son irrepetibles y la envidia es mala para el mismo envidioso, no le deja crecer ni hacer bien el trabajo.
Eres un cielo de persona, sigue haciendo las maravillas que haces que son absolutamente "irrepetibles"
Suerte en la feria.
besitos ascension

Drora's minimundo said...

Your new logo will be a hit and probably cause more envy. Penelope is very sweet.
You should be very proud of your talent. Your work is a pleasure to the eye. Good luck at the fair!

MALINIK said...

Dear Pat,
sad, sad news..again! I can't believe this continue

Katrina said...

Pat thank you for telling about your sad news. It´s important to share heavy experiences with friends. - I am waiting for your new
logo. I think it´s very sweet. God bless you. Hugs Kati

linda060060 said...

Hi Pat, I do so agree with Katinka on her comments, especially the ones that look exactly like the early "real" ones and of course that can only be accomplished by using molds. A dear friend of mine bought two of the same animals from this woman, and told me the heads were identical to the mini millimeter. The bodies the same, only twisted into a slightly different position, and being an artist myself I know this can only be done through molds. The woman friend of mine, felt "ripped off" when receiving these dogs as the cost was enormous, Also if anyone noticed, all the "heads" are identical for each breed of the same dog.