I am so upset with blogspot. For some unknown reason, I don't stay sign in and can not leave comments on most of blogs that I visit. After talking with many other bloggers , I realized that I am not alone but now I realized that I also can not follow my new followers because when i visit their blogs I can not see the "followers". This is so annoying!
It does takes me some time to respond to all the lovely comments left on my blog however ,a long ago, I decided to leave comments on YOUR blog rather than mine because I did not want YOU have to come back to see my response and now I have done....nothing!sigh.
well... thank you for continually visiting me and please know that I am NOT ignoring ((((you)))*grin*!
Now.... for the newly sculpts .... momma and girl are listed on my ebay...check out my auction button!!!
Good night!!!
TITA!!!! I WAS JUST THINKING OF YOU! I was going to email you, but here YOU ARE! What a beautiful momma and her babies. Dearest one, Blogger IS being very annoying, indeed! I can no longer comment from ANY OTHER COMPUTER except my home computer, which makes it difficult! YOUR WORK IS ALWAYS SO PERFECT MY SWEET and I miss you SOOOOOOOO MUCH! I am done with school this Friday and I want to spend my summer connecting again! GROSSES BISES MA BELLE!!! Anita
Hi Patricia,
My blog was like that for about 4 weeks, then all of a sudden it is working like a charm...so just give it a while. Your momma and babies are so adorable!! Every detail is perfection!!
Take care,
Dessa Rae
Blogger really has been troublesome! So many people have been having trouble with it, and right in the middle of my blog giveaway! I am running it for a full month, until June 18, so hopefully if Blogger isn't working today it will work tomorrow!;-)
I love your work! Your little dogs on the sidebar are so precious!
Hello Patricia, I have had the same problem and went to the help forum where I found out it is to do with the embedded comments form.
There is a simple trick to post your comment, when blogger prompts you to log in to make your comment simply un - check the little box that says " keep me signed in " . You can then post your comment !
Your dolls are lovely as always, good luck with the auctions !
julie xx
Im having the same problem, everytime I try to post to a blog I wont take it. someone told me that if you uncheck the keep me logged in feature you can post on blogs
mom and babies are so cute
Marisa :)
Los problemas con los blogs los tenemos todos jejeje
Pero parece que se va a rreglando, esperemos que dure.
Me encanta esa mama tan guapa y tan joven, te ha quedado realmente fantastica.
besitos ascension
Hello dear Pat
Thank you so much for coming over to visit Bebe in France.. I am happy she gave you a smile.
I really love this set Pat.. As always your work is exquisite!
Blessings to you this fine day
Elas ficaram lindas! As roupinhas tão delicadas estão perfeitas. :)
Um abraço.
Hello dear friend,I love this set! So many tiny details to see. As always your attention to detail really brings the dolls to life. Hope you are well, and your family too. I am staying very busy and looking forward to the 23rd! I send you big hugs, and much love. XOXO Christel
TITA! Ahhh....you finally got in to BLOGGER! But there still has to be a problem with this because you shouldn't have to go through all of that. BUT THANK YOU for making the effort to come to visit me. Blogging is NOT THE SAME WITH OUT YOU, my dear and wonderful friend and INSPIRATION!!!!!! LOVE YOU TITA! Nita
Dear Pat,
Wow, your momma and children are so sweet! You did an amazing job, and my girls would love to live in one of your doll houses. :)
Hi Patricia, I'm visiting your site for the first time and had to tell you how totally charmed I am by your wonderful dolls. They are beautiful and your attention to detail is amazing. The animals on your side bar are amazing as well. Lovely work.
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