My husband started this *tradition*, grin, about 8 years ago and as the children grows up they all enjoy the memory of getting in the truck and driving on the back dirt roads and looking up through the fields and see who is the first to spot a deer or a fawn. *grin*
I was thinking of that when I made this fawn. He turned up very nice and i sure hope someone will want to take him home.*grin*... he is listed on my ebay!!!
last word is about blogspot; I am able to visit and leave comments on almost all the blogs i go however ; I still can not see my followers or other follower's bloglist. if you are newly following me, please do know that I am NOT ignoring you, i just can't *see* you yet!*smiles*
Patricia, what a DEAR little He looks so real...I want to reach out and pet him.
The backdrops of the pictures really adds to the realism.
Dessa Rae
Your fawn is precious! Just darling!
YOU are unbelievable. Your skills at capturing the realism are just impeccable my would say they were looking at a real fawn. UNBELIEVABLE!!! BRAVO TITA! Nita
Oh he is gorgeous! I am sure he'll find a good home.
I have the same problem you have with blogspot. Started back in April. Do you use Windows XP?
This is really ,really cute !I love it,not often that you see a fawn,great idea :-) Hugs,Jeannette
Oh, he's so gorgeous Patricia!! Really beautiful!
Absolutely sweet!:)
Beautiful work. I could never get tired of looking at your creations as they are beautiful.
Só suas 'mãos de anjo' para recriarem uma criaturinha tão linda da natureza... é uma perfeição!
Um beijo.
Qu'il est adorable ! moi aussi j'aime regarder les biches et les faons .Il se promènent parfois dans les champs près de chez nous.
Oh how beautiful Pat! I keep waiting for this little fawn to scurry away, or take a breath! AMAZING!! You really are SO talented, and I know you thank God for those. Wonderful craftmanship my dear friend! XOXOX Christel
So beautiful!! I love it.
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