These are my newly creations! Two sweet ballerinas and my first Marie Antoinette Doll.
I was inspired by the movie and the costume . I realized that in the movie , Marie does not dress as the *real* Marie did and I like that much more.
The lady was 5" tall , before I set her down. She is listed on my ebay as well as my sweet blond Ballerina. The other one will be available on my etsy store tonight.
Have a wonderful labor day weekend and please be safe!
So pretty Patricia! I especially love that little hideaway bed the two little ones are on.
Have a great weekend, Bonnie :)
Ma chère Tita, I was not able to get to the computer yesterday because Ruben was on it all day.....I saw you had posted late last night, but I needed to get to bed since Tuesday is my first day of school. LET ME SAY THAT IN MY OPINION, just MY opinion, that this Marie Antoinette is the best of your work in adult forms. She is actually precise in her form, scale (eyes, nose, mouth) and her posture in the chair is absolutely made with precision. The ballerinas and especially in the BED are as well, so beautiful. You never cease to enchant me with your dedication and SPIRIT in which you bring to life these sculptures. Marie is not going to last long....and hey, where can I get a copy of the mag with YOU on the cover?????
Life is busy at the moment dearest, but when you get a chance, let me know. I also need to check my email.....I saw your sweet face there!
I love Marie Antoinette - love her hair:) The girls are so sweet as usual!:)
An exquisite Marie Antoinette and very sweet ballerinas.
Maria Antonieta es una preciosidad de dama, me encanta la ropa que le has puesto, es tan bonita.
Y las dos bailarinas, son dos soles amorosos de niñas, estan en esa camita preparadas para que les cuenten un cuento de princesas, me encantan las dos.
Enhorabuena Patricia, es un trabajo genial.
besitos ascension
¡Que guapa y elegante! Me encanta lo bien que está sentada con el traje de lado.
Las bailarinas monisimas, tienes mucho gusto para hacerlas y fotografiarlas.
Besos Clara
TITA!!!! Wow, am I going to be flying at 100 miles an hour this week...but seeing your comments always slows me down long enough to savor the friendship I so cherish. What is hard for me to envision is how I will manage 50 children this year. Budget cuts have forced the dismissal of two of our fourth grade English teachers, so I have to teach English, French social studies and sciences to not only my 25 kids, but to the 25 students of another fourth grade teacher. She however, will be teaching my students as well as hers the MATH and French language is going to be confusing and challenging for all of us but the other day when a fifth grade teacher friend of mine ( an adorable French woman who happens to be a believer) were talking, she mentioned the scripture in Luke about casting the nets over into the deep waters. THE LIGHTBULB went on over my head and I KNEW that this was exactly what the Lord was telling me. He is telling us all to cast the net in the deep...and even though we squeal and say "BUT I ALREADY TRIED THAT LORD", He patiently says, just go out and do it." Wow. I can see that you have had your share of deep waters, but you never fail to cast your net, work hard, re-cast your net and then look at the results of your hard labor. A fine family, awesome kids, a dream come true....I hope all is well my dearest. I will go to see your email....Nita
Your work is just amazing!
TITA! Your visit made my last morning to savor the sun shining into my studio, to putter around the house and clean and arrange and do what I love. Oh I WISH I COULD SEE ALL THOSE LITTLE YELLOW BALLS OF FUR RUN TOWARDS YOU!!!HHEEE THAT would be hilarious! It sounds like you have a full day ahead, but THANK YOU for coming to see me and visit me. I am going to take that quote from your pastor and POST IT IN MY ENGLISH speaking section of my class. Now that I will be teaching English in the mornings, half of my classroom is divided into French and the other side for English. This is a great quote to discuss when the kids have friendship issues. MERCI!
Off now to draw myself! I will be posting in a couple of weeks an idea I got using classic fairytale women.....more on it later!! HAVE A LOVELY DAY DRAWING! I am relaxing today before the big day tomorrow.
I send you all my love dearest one, Nita
Dear Pat
I ahd thought I left a comment here.. Oh, it must be the age thing... heee. I just love your Marie Antoinette Doll. They are all beautiful..
Hello are just sooo talented ! absolutely amazing work...beautifull.
Thankyou so much.
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