Again, hardly any time to sit and do long post. I am so busy with the real animals and planting my green garden..... but here are 2 of my latest minis ... they were commissioned work.
I hope you are enjoying our "almost' spring season.*grin*
Miniature 1:12 scale wooly animals, figurines and furniture
Dear Pat..oh my, both are just fabulous! So REAL!!! I know I say that every time I see your animals, but honestly's true they look like they are breathing! Wonderful my sweet friend! I miss talking to you too, but I know we are all so busy right now..not enough hours in the days. God Bless, and Keep you xoxox Christel
I remember the first time I ever saw a real moose, I was amazed at how huge these animals are. Great job on the trophy!
The dog is so very very lovely. I like dogs like these as they remind me of my childhood dog.
Wow! Excellent work Patricia. The collie looks so real I half expected its tail to start wagging!
Oh Pat!
I especially like this Border Collie because she looks just like my
Dear Dear Pixie girl! ;-) Sooooo sweeeeet!
Blessings and Hugs Linnie
(love the Moose too) ;-)
GOOD MORNING DEAREST TITA! I have been occupied myself with entertaining, trying to finish my blog post and cleaning the house in preparation for RUBEN COMING HOME! I ADORE, I JUST SIMPLY LOVE THOSE MOOSE MOUNTS OF YOURS!! Tea Rat could use one in his little house!!!! LOVE TO YOU PRECIOUS! Nita
The Border Collie is fantastic.
Patricia, ha ese perrito solo le falta ladrar, no podia haberte quedado mas real.
besitos ascension
Hola Patricia:
que preciosos!!!
son perfectos ,parecen de verdad ,como sorprenden todos tus trabajos ,son alucinantes.
un besito cielo, que tengas un buen dia
Sometimes I look at your pieces & feel I can't BREATHE! They are MAGICAL, Patricia! REALLY! Your mounted moose is incredibly REAL. And the Border Collie reminds me of Tippy, my old childhood doggy-friend! Con abrazos de tu amiga, Kai
Your work leaves me speechless! Wow!
TITA!!!! It was so good to see your comment this morning! Are you getting excited....? Are you ready? I will miss I have been, but you are preparing for a wonderful time. I am going to be on spring break next week and I am looking forward to some down time and creativity time as well. HEY, did I ask you this, but do you have a camera on your computer? WE COULD SKYPE some time!
LOVE YOU DEAREST FRIEND, and I miss you so! Write when you are back...Nita
Great job - both are beautiful!
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