Monday, February 28, 2011

Toddler, girl, and German Shepherd Dog


The Old Maid said...

Love the girl with the book and the dog, they really look like good friends together:)

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Exquisite workmanship as always dear Pat!
I just LOVE the little toddler!
So much realizm in your animals..
Blessings to you this fine day!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My sweet one....My email was erased and IF you happen to write me, I cannot enter my email, so that is why you won't hear from me. Everything is as perfectly done as ever...Nita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Pat
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I am so glad you enjoyed Bebe.
Enjoy your week

Colleen Colquhoun Athens said...

Just lifelike...I so appreciate these tiny dolls! Love Colleen

Unknown said...

Love the little girl in pink dress.
All your work is great.

Kai said...

Honestly, I must sound like a broken record, but you are awe-inspiring! I come over here now only once a week. Why? Because when I visit, I can't LEAVE! I have to look at EVERYTHING from the current post all the way BACK regardless of how often I've seen it all. What an amazing artist you are!

Unknown said...

If Kai is a broken record, just you wait! Your art is MAGNIFICENT! AWESOME!, etc....Wow! No, really WOW, WOW, WOW! I am very impressed with ALL the dolls and tiny and perfect!!!!!


Jingle said...

I just found you through Kai's blog! you do amazing doll work!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

TITA! YOU CAME TO VISIT! THank you....I know you are so is planting going? Are you having good weather? NOT US! We are still having snow. SUnday is my 29th wedding anniversary and snow is predicted!!!! We have so much snow that it was said that it will take ALL SPRING for it to melt!!! THANK YOU PRECIOUS for taking in some silence chez moi...GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS are in my prayers! Nita

Unknown said...

Una maravilla. Esta niña tiene mucha personalidad. Parece muy independiente :)
Me encanta.
Besos Clara