Thank you so much for stopping by . Today is a lovely day! The weather is perfect....such a lovely breeze ...grin... I can hear the sheep as I type this post!
Some days I sit outside , specially if I am making flocking , and while I watch my children play my fingers get busy sculpting or carding wool. Life is beautiful, no?*grin*
Okay, I confess that I never had a German Shepherd dog before but for some reason I LOVE to make them. This guy was a good practice for me. I tried to add "nails" and at this scale I know better than sculpt out of polymer because it is too easy to break in the future. I inserted a very thing wire . I truly love the results!*grin*
I also have a ragdoll cat. I spent 3 times more than normal to make this cat. Cats are VERY difficult to make , at least for me. The eyes needs to be perfect and if you make your own eyes like I do , you know exactly what I mean plus the size is minuscule. The head of this cat is so small I struggled to hold while Iwas sculpting... at the end I think she is pretty nice, what you think?*grin*
Gorgeous work Patricia! The cats eyes and the expression of its face are spot on.
Omg, I LOVE that cat! It looks just like my cat Angus that I had years ago (he was gorgeous, but the stupidest cat I've ever had.) Amazing job, it's so lifelike!
- Grace
Dear Pat
That is without a doubt, one of the best cat's I have seen. I just love her eyes... and yes, when the head is so tiny the eyes are very difficult to make and time consuming.. You have done a magnificent job on her. I think she is my very favorite.. I know I have probably said this before, but she is outstanding!
Your German Shepard is also amazing.. He has such a kind look about him. I think the wire nails was a very good choice.
Yes, life is beautiful Pat...
Enjoy every minute..
we had a German Shepard when I was growing up his name was Bruno, your sculpt looks just like him and it almost made me cry to look at it,
it reminded me so much of him.
Dear Tita
Thank you so much for your visit to my blog. It is my sincere desire to inspire thoughtfulness toward a more humane world. My Anita has always been my first and truest example of how people should treat each other. She is truly special. My goal is to keep writing helpful and inspiring posts like this. Tita, I so much appreciate when you visit Rattus Scribus and your thoughtful comments are always special to me.
On another note, I must compliment you again on your wonderful miniature creations. As the holidays near, you will find me a customer once again.
Blessings on you and your family.
OMG beautiful work, breathtaking detail wow!
Dear Pat, love them both! The rgdoll cat eyes are just so real looking! Fabulous work Pat, as always, and the illustration on Anitas post was wonderful too! Love Christel
Gosh....I love both! Wonderful work as always!
Yousaid it is difficult to make cat's eyes - but the result is worth every effort! I just love your cat's eyes!!:)
Your animals look so real. Great work!
Ma belle, I am so late to visit you and you know well that these days, projects and school are keeping us both you occupied! I hated to do it, but I had to bring some work home and yesterday, I looked over my Monday schedule to teach English. My first week went better than expected, but we really spent a lot of time doing normal first week things like teaching the kids the class and hallway first English lesson on WRITING was Friday and it went very well, but the concepts are the same in French and I am very comfortable with that. HOWEVER, this week we start reading in English and the PROCESS is a bit different, so I needed to really look at what I am doing in my morning lesson. NOW, to THIS INCREDIBLE POST....I agree with Penny....this is the best cat that I have seen YOU DO!!! All your animals are exquisite, and you are so right in that the eyes have got to be so difficult to make. Cats are an animal that I have NEVER attempted to even draw for their complex features with the fur, the eyes, the small difficult. But this cat is perfect. His scale from eyes to head to body are right on the money.
Oh my sweet, sweet friend, once your construction is done, PLEASE SHOW US ALL PICTURES. I know you are going to have such fun! And our construction will start soon as well.
I BETTER GET OFF TO WORK NOW! HOw I miss you so.....Nita
El pastor alemán te ha salido genial. Me encanta su pelo y su expresión.
El gato parece más dificil, con esos ojos tan pequeños.
Me encantan.
Besos Clara
Patricia you have captured the Ragdoll cat perfectly!! My Daughter has a Ragdoll cat.
Your Shepard is magnificent and I love the wire claws. Beautiful creations!!
Ooh wonderful cat,great job.
Patricia, CONGRATULATIONS on your cover for Doll Crafter and costuming!!!!!!!! I have had the magazine for about a week but I didn't want to mention anything just in case you didn't know you were the cover. Your feature story was so great, and I am so proud to know a famous artist!! I was running all over the place showing everyone I know!!
Anyway, your cover was truly deserved! You are a very MULTI-talented lady!!
Dessa Rae
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