the handmade bricks *needed* to be painted to have a depth effect. I want this room top be beautiful and unique but I also want to look real. Real fireplace has a dust left from the fire... mine has it too!*grin*
I am about to stain the floors , as soon I have the chance but because the only thing I have not made yet was the wall sconces , I decided to go ahead and get started..... here is the beginning... I twisted the copper wire to create the *body* and welded for a base. The wood in the back has a groove and I will add apoxie to set the light bulb.... the wood will be cut and used to look like a candle.
You have done a great work.The fireplace and the briks are absolutely perfect!
I love the fireplace and the bricks. They are so realistic. Congratulations :)
Hello Kc- Thank you Kindly.I am looking forward to the next step!Smiles~
Hi Eva, thank you for your comment. I really worked hard on these bricks... you would laugh to see the amount of *try-outs* before this one!
Tita....this is as divine as it can get in our physical world!!! You know, I have two fireplace mantels (minis) and I never, ever thought of doing the brick wall. What detail ma chèrie, down to the soot on the bricks! What satisfaction you must have. And the sconces are going to be magnificent! I am sorry for being so late....this first week back at school was a rude awakening to the "real" world of work...UH! LOVE EVERY DETAIL AND YOUR DRAWING ON NOWHERE WAS AWESOME! Bisous, Anita
Its MAGNIFICENT....and it must give you so much JOY..:))
And I am so happy that our dear friend Raccoon is returning to Nowhere..your drawings are great!
Pat, this is GORGEOUS!!!! Is there ANYTHING you can't do!??
Dearest Nita and Dutchess~Thank you for your kind words about my silly drawings....*blushing*
KIVA!Of course that is !*grin*... and this is BIG!(( Thanks of coming by)))
Chère Tita! YOU SAW THE PINK LADY AND BEBE! You know, this is exactly what I need....I need people who have done watercolor to tell me exactly what I need to do. I would have never thought of putting a second coating! I will try again with another drawing. MERCI my is Hershey? Nita
Nita , Yes, yes... watercolor is mostly done by layering and let it dry between coats.... try a soft wash for teh first layer.... dilute your color with a lot of water, load yoru brush and run down or side way what ever direction you want ... let it dry and then add a little water to your brush , paint and start painting.... then let it dry ... do it again... try using combination ..mmm ... if you are painting with blue add some gray or darker tone to highlight or to shade so your colors are not flat... odes this make any sense to you?
Thanks for asking about Hershey....I was at the barn and she looks alright... I won't know until tomorrow.... I did a post about her on my woolytales blog.... thank you for asking...lovingly,
The fireplace looks great!!! I will be back soon to see more :=)
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