Some time, perhaps after the Holidays , I will show you my dollhouse that I bought beginning of this year. It was hand made on the 70's and it is quite beautiful. I have not start working on it because I know if I get my hands busy , I won't sleep!*grin*
The dollhouse is not wired and will need a lot of work. I haven't decided but I am leaning to the Victorian French style. I am almost done with my first room box and I will show you as soon it is ready.
I would love to show the process in which I am making this room box but time really does not allows me. But I will talk about the ideas that I had and why.
Most of my dollhouse items are and will be made by me , but occasionally I will buy a special piece or an item .
This is my *first* special item. It is a hand made from sterling silver by a craftsman in Germany. It is an old set of flatware and last time I saw one for sale at was over $300. I paid $34 in ebay about 2 years go- Don't I feel blessed?*grin*
It is wonderful to make plans and build a miniature world.I absolutely love it and only wish i had the time to make all that is in my head! Ohhh, that is *not* a complain!*smiles*
Ma chèrie, this is wonderful....we were out all day today doing some grocery shopping, and I had so much fun going to the local bead shop. I must show you a miniature chandelier that I am making. I too, am having fun fixing up my little theatre. I will send you a picture tonight. I can't wait to see your little house. Isn't it fun to have the heart of a child? MILLE BISOUS Anita
I am really excited to see your new house. Love the flatware set.
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